Create multiple view eLearning Template


Easily create a 3-view eLearning template to display both characters and information.

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Hey this is Bryan Jones from eLearning Art.  Today I wanted to show you how I actually use display boards in my courses.  So I think what you might be used to seeing is a single screen where information is displayed.  This is good, but that’s just one of the three views that I use when I’m creating an eLearning course.

So let me show you the other views.  So here I am in PowerPoint, and you’ll see I do have this one big display board where – that a board takes up most of the screen, and that is good for displaying the information.  But what I really like to do is, for visual storytelling, I like to start with an establishing shot that shows a character or an avatar to give some context to what’s going in the course, and then I use a transition shot where it kind of splits the focus between the character and the board.

And then – and then you can zoom in on to the board for more information.  So that kind of lets you go from establishing shot, transition, information.  So let me show you what that might look like in an actual course that I might create, a mini-course where I’m displaying some information.

Here would be the zoomed out view, and it’s not the best for viewing the information, it’s – it’s readable, but that’s more just to set the scene.  So you do that, and then you move in a little bit, the information is easier to read but still not perfect, and then you can zoom in fully.

So this could be the menu, you can make it clickable, and they could read more information.  So you could put those –that information on these other slides.  And it just doesn’t have to be text, you can add anything in there.  You can add anything in there.  You can add an image or whatever.  You just start with the board blank.

So this just doesn’t have to be for display boards, you can also do it for screens.  And when I use screens, a lot of times I do that first-person over the shoulder perspective.  So this is Corey, looking over the shoulder, he’s actually looking at my website here.  But you could start there as the establishing shot, and then you can move in a little bit, and now you can start seeing more of the information, and then really zoomed in gives you a focus on – on the information.

But again, you have that visual storytelling aspect of it.  Now when I – here’s another example I just wanted to show you.  When I’m dealing with paper or some object that could be held in a hand, I actually like to do five different views not just three.

So I’ll do this zoomed out, maybe do the characters a little bit bigger, and then I do my zoomed in where you can put information.  But then I like to add two more.  One where they are holding the object, and that would be more for reading.  And then another where you can add a hand, that would be writing.  And that can be symbolizing some action being taken either by the character or by the learner.

Now one of the cool things is how easy it is to – to edit this.  So the board start blank, but you can add text or graphics or anything just right in here.  And actually, let me open the selection and visibility pane.  And you can see, you know, that’s the content text, and the board is its own asset.  You can change the character, or move the character.

Same thing, this desk can be moved around.  This wall is just a – you know, you can change the color on that.  it’s just a rectangle with some – so a gradient, a radial gradient applied to it.  And I have this baseboard here that’s a rectangle.  And then this floor is one of the floor assets that I had created.

But it’s – it’s totally editable, and you can move all this stuff around, you can see, these can really be broken up.  Same thing with the other templates as well.  So, you know, with the screen here this over the shoulder view of Corey, you can move him around, and you can do some cool things, like fly-ins or whatever.

But this is just a graphic that I took a screenshot.  So you can put anything in here.  You can put text, you can put graphics, whatever.  And now all of this stuff is – is editable, clicking the background here.  And the same is true with the other template as well.

So I hope you found that lesson useful, and it gives you some ideas for how you might be able to use display boards to tell a visual story in your eLearning course.  Thanks so much.  Have a good day.

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