Our Backgrounds Make Your Slides Richer
Learning that captures viewer interest is learning that does its job, and smart slide backgrounds gets your program there sooner!
The eLearningArt background collection delivers a variety of background solutions designed to enrich the learning your build.
Backgrounds are part of the eLearningArt membership library, which includes:
Background collections for today's eLearning
Experimentation Station
We give you a range of background options, that you can use as is. That said, we encourage creative rule breaking! Maybe you’re building the master slides for a program that deserves a unique looks and feel. Think of the background library as your art materials, and let the design creativity fly! We’ve got realistic photographic and illustrated backgrounds, build-your-own elements, juicy patterns and transparent overlays, and a vast collection of surfaces. You find scads of background options, all designed for slide-based building, for creative option-making, and for putting your best slide forward.
On Location
Photographic backgrounds the right choice for your program, but you need to zoom, pan, or pivot? We’ve got the shots for you. Outside and inside the same building, showing the same scene, using the same lighting. On offer are full and comprehensive sets with all the areas you need in office or medical settings. Now, here’s the secret sauce: Everything is shot in just such a way that our photo characters look like they were in the room. Instant scenes! So, set down that camera, and save some time and energy. When it comes to photo backgrounds, we’ve already done the work for you.
Can't Find It? Build It
Looking for a quick win? Use our build-your-own backdrop collection. Choose a floor for the base of the slide, and a wall for the backdrop. Add a strip of baseboard, a window or a door (or two, or six, no limits, of course). Mix and match to create thousands of scenes that look great with both photographic or illustrated characters..Start with eLearningArt’s build-your-own background collection whenever you need a quick and easy slide solution. You’ll have it DONE quicker than you can say “Where will I find that background?”
Popular Backgrounds Collections
Photo Backgrounds
Office and medical settings are captured in high resolution photos. Set the scene outside the building and zoom-in close indoors to add interest to your scenes.
Designer Backgrounds
Need flexible workplace backgrounds? With its featured .svg files, this collection is your top pick. Change colors, objects, and more to match your program.
BYOB: Build-Your-Own-Backdrop
A unique collection of backdrop elements let you mix and match floors, baseboards, and walls to capture that perfect set up for your unique program. Don’t forget to BYOB!
Overlays and Underlays
Quickly add depth and dimension to your slides with our collection of transparent overlays and opaque underlays. Offered as textures, patterns, and more, creativity is easy!
In the Spotlight
Set the stage with drama and interest using these ready-made spotlight files. Easily feature characters, titles, or other slide elements, and get that on-stage effect!
fall in love with our features
Our stock graphics belong to a system built for workplace learning.
Unlike other stock graphic sources, the eLearningArt collection is built with your projects in mind, and nothing else. That means you’re going to find what you need quickly, and it’s all going to snap together seamlessly. When you start at eLearningArt, you get your slides built and projects delivered!
Our stock graphics work with the tools of workplace learning.
Everything we offer at eLearningArt has been tested in the real-world of digital workplace learning tools. That means our stock graphics deliver the solutions you need whether you’re using PowerPoint for a presentation deck, developing eLearning in Storyline, Captivate, Lectora, or another authoring tool, or making motion graphics happen. You’re going to love how much easier program development is about to become!
Our stock graphics deliver infinite variety and possibilities.
Variety isn’t just the spice of life, it’s also what flavors workplace learning! Your learners will love to see what you cook up with our wide selection of cutout images and hands, big sets of icons, and vast collection of background options. You’re going to have fun, too, mixing and matching across the library to create the tastiest learning programs ever. (And, yeah, we just made ourselves hungry to see what you’ll make with all the great ingredients!)
Our stock graphics let you zoom, crop, color, and play.
We know you need to get things just right, so we’ve built workability right into our stock graphics. For example, all of our photo images are at least 2,500 pixels wide. (That’s 4x larger than you need for standard-sized programs!) Icons, backgrounds, and objects downloaded as .svg files can be easily ungrouped, resized, reshaped, and recolored. The best thing about all of this? Well, when you’re done playing, the results will be hard-working graphics that deliver interest and engagement for your programs.
Our stock graphics get you to "Done!" faster.
eLearning and presentation development takes time. Our stock graphics library is designed to help you spend less of that time searching for the graphics you need to fill your slides, and more time creating learning that delivers! For starters, we only stock what actually works for today’s learning programs, and skip the fluff that just doesn’t. Then, we organize and maintain it in a big library that you can easily filter and search. Boom! Find your graphic, drop it onto a slide, and DONE!
Our stock graphics are created and supported by people you can talk to.
At eLearningArt, we build on experience — ours and yours. Our solutions come from problems we’ve encountered as hands-on eLearning developers, and we always love to hear what solutions would help you make your projects happen. When you’re a member of the eLearningArt library, you’re part of a community that’s always ready to help you out, listen to your requests, and celebrate the creativity that is learning design. We look forward to welcoming you to our world!