Save PowerPoint Slides as Images


Did you know you can save any PowerPoint slide as an image? It’s really easy to do and it turns PowerPoint from a just a presentation software into a powerful graphic design tool.

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Hi this is Bryan Jones from  And was just doing a follow-up lesson.  I showed you how you can create display board templates that have – have these three different views, a zoomed out view, a transition view, and a zoomed-in view.

And showed you how you can do that by just adding various assets.  So for example, that, you know, having the chalkboard display, or the wall has bricks, or this – the person and the floor and the baseboard.  But wanted to follow-up and show you that’s great, I use that for building out what my scene is going to be, but I actually use this as a stage often and authoring tools that are outside of PowerPoint.

And wanted to show you a little trick where you can create kind of a flexible stage, where you can still customize the content within an authoring tool, but your stage is kind of set. So you would have this – this scene.  Now some of these authoring tools will have a direct import PowerPoint feature, and it treats them a little bit differently depending on what you’re using.

And I’ll do some various lessons on that as well.  But this is kind of a failsafe method for you to kind of save out as a – as an image, which is what PowerPoint allows you to do.  So once I’ve created these three different scenes.  The problem if I were to save out these individual images per slide.

Right now is I would have a person who is stuck on that screen, I can’t change, and the word content would be there, I don’t want that.  So what I want to first do, PowerPoint, within the selection and visibility pane, allows you to hide certain elements on the screen.

And so I can take this, for example, this person here, and I can close the eyeball there, and hide her, and the same thing with that content text.  And do that on the other slide as well, hide person, hide the content text, and the same thing on this last one, the content text.

It’s really helpful to name these things, so you can come back and edit these really quickly.  But now, all I have to do within PowerPoint, if I go to file, save as, in my selection here I can save it, and actually I’m going to save it as a PNG image.  And the reason I do that is it is a lossless file type.

So if you go JPEG it’s going to compress it right now, and then it’s going to get compressed again later when you – when you publish out.  So save it as a PNG image, and I’ll just go ahead and click save.  It’s going to ask me if I want to do all the slides, which I would like to do, and it does it really quickly.

There we go.  So now if I go back to – go back to that folder, so here is the folder where it was saved to, and you’ll see I have slide one, slide two, slide three is how it names it, I can view them in extra-large view, and you’ll see I have these three nice slides that I can then insert this as a background image or just an image on a slide master, or just an image.

And now I can add whatever character I want within the authoring tool, and any content that I want within the authoring tool, and I’ve also saved some space on the publishing because it treats this image as a single image when it is publishing out.  So it’s not a bunch of different – it’s not a bunch of different elements, which is how it would be if you were to create the same sort of layout within – within an authoring tool.

So anyway, I hope you found that useful.  It’s – it’s definitely an easy way to create a background stage for a display board template.  But then it’s very flexible in whatever authoring tool you’re using.  Thanks so much.  Have a great day.

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