Storytelling eLearning Examples
Get inspiration from sample stories projects
View these examples of eLearning courses that incorporate stories to create a more engaging and memorable learning experience.
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Use stories, scenarios, and other tactics to create more engaging, memorable, and impactful training.

Categories: Stories | Scenarios |Tool: Storyline
Therapy Scenario with Custom Graphics
By: Allison Kim
Synopsis: Scenario-based course applying treatment procedures to real-world situations that Behavior Analyst’s face.
eLearningArt assets used: Illustrated Characters, Illustrated Backgrounds, Office Objects
Categories: Stories | Scenarios | Soft skills
Broken Coworker - Remake using Visual Novel style
By: Ryan Martin
Synopsis: Interactive story remake of the famous “Broken Coworker” examples, this time using the “Visual Novel” framework and images instead of recorded video.
eLearningArt assets used: Business characters, Office backgrounds, computer objects
Management Soft-skills Story
By: Rance Greene
Synopsis: Mini scenario-story of a manager and direct report having a conversation to drive learner thinking before teaching content.
eLearningArt assets used: Business characters, computer objects
Categories: Soft Skills | Scenarios | Stories | Gamification | Tool: Storyline
Medical Comic Scenario
By: eLearner Engaged
Synopsis: This comic-style scenario uses the comic panels and characters to set up a challenge, then allows the learner to make a choice and get custom feedback.
eLearningArt assets used: Medical characters, medical backgrounds
Categories: Stories | Scenarios | Video | Tool: Camtasia
Interactive Video Story
Synopsis: Interactive scenario built using Camtasia hot spots highlights a branching conversation between two characters.
eLearningArt assets used: Business characters
eLearning Story Example Using Metaphors and an Avatar
By: Melissa Dougherty
Melissa uses the four-part Setup, Relate, Interpret, Apply (SRIA) model to create engagement with an eLearning avatar.
Categories: Soft Skills | Stories | Gamification | Tool: PowerPoint
Soft Skills Example – Workplace Warzone
By: ELA Studios
Synopsis: This short video conversation between 2 coworkers presents a realistic interaction, followed by an opportunity for learners to make a choice and get feedback. This course highlights the possibility of creating cinematic effects using only still images.
eLearningArt assets used: Business characters, photo backgrounds
Categories: Soft Skills | Stories | Tool: Storyline
Interactive Story - Conversations that Work
By: Eva Price
Synopsis: Conversations That Work is an interactive story challenging the learner to make choices that help Joe and his team effectively communicate on the job. Each decision in this branched scenario allows practice of the STATE communication strategy to help build psychological safety at work among staff.
Assets used: Photo characters
Categories: Soft Skills | Stories | Tool: PowerPoint
HR Story Example - Working from Home
By: ELA Studios
Synopsis: Project makeover, flipping content from bulleted list of work from home statistics to a story that connected with the audience by putting the content in context.
Assets used: Photo characters, Background Builder
Categories: Soft Skills | Scenarios | Stories | Tool: Captivate
Soft Skills Micro-scenario - If there is Booze
By: Vignettes Learning / Ray Jimenez
Synopsis: This is one of several micro-stories that highlight potential workplace problems, with interactive choices and feedback provided at the end of each story.
eLearningArt assets used: Business characters
Categories: Compliance | Scenarios | HR & Onboarding | Stories | Tool: Storyline
Interactive Compliance Training
By: Yukon Learning
Synopsis: This scenario uses 3 short, realistic stories and with decision points and feedback sprinkled throughout.
eLearningArt assets used: Business characters, photo backgrounds
Categories: Safety | Stories | Gamification | Tool: PowerPoint
Safety Training – Comic Scenario
By: eLearning Coach
Multi-panel comic storytelling safety scenario.
eLearningArt assets used: Medical characters
Categories: Soft Skills | Scenarios | Stories | Tool: Storyline
Soft Skills Scenario
By: Christy Tucker
Synopsis: Scenario showing how both primary and secondary goals can be achieved in a soft-skills managerial course.
eLearningArt assets used: Business characters
Categories: Compliance | Scenarios | HR & Onboarding | Stories | Tool: Storyline
Sexual Harassment Compliance Training
By: Jackie Van Nice
Synopsis: Centered around a single character, Arlo, who isn’t a bad guy, but does run into compliance issues. Learners are presented with “gray-area” scenarios and must determine if Arlo has violated policies (not obvious).
eLearningArt assets used: Business characters, office objects, hands, photo backgrounds
Categories: Scenarios | Gamification | Safety | Stories | Tool: Storyline
Gamification Example - The Flu Facts
By: Tracy Carroll
Informal learning game teaching flu facts to adults and children. Learn more about this project on Tracy’s site.
eLearningArt assets used: Medical characters